Tender Loving Care by an American Board Certified Pediatrician
C 116 SARITA VIHAR, MOTHER DAIRY LANE, NEW DELHI-76. Ph: 011-49053900; 9811482349; 01126940091; 7678100226
C 116 SARITA VIHAR, MOTHER DAIRY LANE, NEW DELHI-76. Ph: 011-49053900; 9811482349; 01126940091; 7678100226
We have a team offering services 8 am to 10 pm. Emergencies at night are not seen at the clinic, but at any nearby hospital. Follow up of your days reports, instructions and medications what to initiate, are all managed post working hours on whats app.
We offer detailed counseling prior to vaccination. We store vaccines in our OPD with power back and temperature monitoring: both of which are critical to the cold chain. The expiry of each vaccine given is shown to the family, options offered and interest of the patient dominates every aspect of decision making; ethics of medical practice being the dominant feature. Latest international and national recommendations are taken into consideration.
When you bring your child to us, we promise you the best care and maximum attention, a detailed physical examination and a scientific analysis of the child's symptoms & signs. We do not believe in unnecessary tests or admissions. That's our philosophy too, so that's what your child will get. Best care.
Early diagnosis, early recognition of a complicated clinical situation, early testing and if needed early admission. Latest advancements, latest literature are being used for your child's care. Experience is the key to your child's early management.
Ours is a paperless office; your data is stored on cloud (privacy protected); you get your prescription via SMS, your vaccination card stored with us, your visits cataloged, and can be retrieved every time you visit us. Printed prescriptions given on request. Updates of clinic are sent to all our patients via our Docon software.
Asthma Care(s Oxygen Monitoring)
Ear Piercing Painless
Neonatal jaundice
Pediatric Disease Management
Nutritional Assessment
Preventive Well Checkups
Preschool Checkups
Immunization from newborn to 17 years
Development Assessment
Vision and Dental Screening
Teenage counselling
Tele consultation
Adult Vaccination
Dog Bite complete management.
Your child is going to be what your child eats. Nutrition has become a major issue and a cause of confrontation between child and parent. With so much available in the market and every brand selling organic and preservative free, are they healthy ? Book a session for nutritional discussion with your doctor.
How to deal with teenage issues? Night out? Phone or no phone? Netflix at night? How to say no and what to say no about? How to avoid arguments and confrontation. Discuss with your doctor.
Tele Consultation : Not wanting to come out of home for your safety. We have been doing tele-consults with whats app video calls for past two years with adequate follow up support till your child recovers.
Visit our website
Please send us a message, or call us for an appointment.
Monday - Saturday 10:00am - 1:00pm;
5 PM TO 730 PM
Teleconsultation 6days a week 10 AM to 7PM
Child Care Clinic
C 116 Sarita Vihar, Mother Dairy Lane, Near C Pocket market, New Delhi 76
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